Biocides (bios = greek "life", caedere = latin "kill") are substances or products that combat pests such as insects and rodents, as well as fungi, bacteria and viruses. In Germany there are more than 30,000 biocidal products which are used in the private or professional life for combating pests. Biocidal products are divided into four main groups: disinfectants, preservatives, pesticides and other biocidal products.
Biocidal products can be dangerous for humans and the environment. In order to achieve safety and to ensure the required effectiveness, biocidal products are evaluated by the Authority.
The new biocidal Regulation (EU) no. 528/2012, entered into force on the 1st of September 2013, regulates the commercialization and the use of biocidal products. The authorisation procedure for biocidal products is carried out in several steps: The first requirement is that the biocidal active substance has been tested and approved for each application category. Subsequently, the authorization for the respective products can be undertaken.
Our consulting and support services
- Advice on elements of the biocidal regulation
- Literature search and procurement of related data
- Consulting and application of intelligent strategies
- QSAR (Qualitative and Quantitative Structure Analysis)
- Data waiving
- Read-Across substances
- Assistance in finding laboratories which carry out studies
- Commissioning of necessary studies
- Creation of the registration dossiers for biocidal active substances or biocidal products with IUCLID 6
- Exposure analysis and risk characterization for man and environment
- Submission of dossiers to ECHA or BAuA
- Communication with the authorities (ECHA, BAuA)