Cosmetics safety assessment
Cosmetic products are applied directly to the human body. This requires a comprehensive regulation and control to protect consumers. Cosmetics Regulation (EC) no. 1223/2009 sets out requirements for cosmetic products to ensure a high level of health protection.
Cosmetic products should be safe for normal and reasonably foreseeable use. Therefore, the manufacturer or importer of a cosmetic product is obliged to carry out a safety assessment and to prepare a safety report before commercialization.
The safety assessment is a comprehensive appraisal performed by a competent person. Raw materials as well as the cosmetic products are evaluated based on their toxicological, physicochemical and microbiological properties and the exposure, purpose and audience. The detailed contents and outline of the safety assessment are embedded in annex I of the cosmetics Directive.
Notification of cosmetic products
Another demand for the marketing of cosmetic products is the notification to the European Commission via the Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP).
Our consulting and support services
- Cosmetics safety assessment
- Evaluation of cosmetic ingredients
- Notifications via CPNP
- Literature search and procurement of related data
- Consulting and assessment of UV filters, preservatives and hair dyes
- Consultation and concern analysis for the cosmetics Regulation and other directives